This phase of engagement has ended.

Brent Town Centres

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Posted on 8th June 2018

by Rubie Charalambous

The future of Brent's town centres - deadline has been extended!

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts on your local town centre. It has been really interesting to read all of your responses and we really do appreciate the feedback you’ve provided.

To make sure everyone in your community can take part, we have extended the deadline until 13th April. Please share the survey with all your friends, family and neighbours – we really want to gather as many views as possible. Send them this link to make sure they can take part:

We are already starting to look at all the views you have given us on your local town centres and think about what we can do to improve the things which matter to you. We will be in touch in due course to outline what our next steps will be.

Posted on 5th April 2018

by Regeneris Consulting

The future of Brent's town centres - deadline has been extended!

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts on your local town centre. It has been really interesting to read all of your responses and we really do appreciate the feedback you’ve provided.

To make sure everyone in your community can take part, we have extended the deadline until 13th April. Please share the survey with all your friends, family and neighbours – we really want to gather as many views as possible. Send them this link to make sure they can take part:

We are already starting to look at all the views you have given us on your local town centres and think about what we can do to improve the things which matter to you. We will be in touch in due course to outline what our next steps will be.

Posted on 5th April 2018

by Regeneris Consulting

The future of Brent's town centres - deadline has been extended!

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts on your local town centre. It has been really interesting to read all of your responses and we really do appreciate the feedback you’ve provided.

To make sure everyone in your community can take part, we have extended the deadline until 13th April. Please share the survey with all your friends, family and neighbours – we really want to gather as many views as possible. Send them this link to make sure they can take part:

We are already starting to look at all the views you have given us on your local town centres and think about what we can do to improve the things which matter to you. We will be in touch in due course to outline what our next steps will be.

Posted on 5th April 2018

by Regeneris Consulting

The future of Brent’s town centres - consultation has launched!

We are looking at town centres in your area and want to hear your views. Our interactive map is designed to help Brent Council and its partners to understand what is working well in your local town centre and what could be improved.

The consultation is open until 28th March 2018.

Have your say now at

For further enquiries please contact

Don’t forget to share with your neighbours!

Posted on 6th March 2018

by Regeneris Consulting

The future of Brent’s town centres - consultation has launched!

We are looking at town centres in your area and want to hear your views. Our interactive map is designed to help Brent Council and its partners to understand what is working well in your local town centre and what could be improved.

The consultation is open until 28th March 2018.

Have your say now at

For further enquiries please contact

Don’t forget to share with your neighbours!

Posted on 6th March 2018

by Regeneris Consulting

The future of Brent's town centres - consultation has launched!

We are looking at town centres in your area and want to hear your views. Our interactive map is designed to help Brent Council and its partners to understand what is working well in your local town centre and what could be improved.

The consultation is open until 28th March 2018.

Have your say now at

For further enquiries please contact

Don’t forget to share with your neighbours!

Posted on 6th March 2018

by Regeneris Consulting